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Plats à Restaurant le Débarcadère

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors find the price/quality ratio of this restaurant to be very good. The prices are considered acceptable given the quality and freshness of the food. The restaurant also offers a good variety of choices on the menu.
  • Sea Sauerkraut with Fresh Fish

    - this dish is noted for its freshness and quality. It makes for a hearty meal that leaves customers satisfied.
  • Gourmet Coffee

    - a delightful drink to enjoy on the terrace with a lovely view of the St Nazairre bridge.
  • Menu of the Day

    - the restaurant offers a different starter, main course, and dessert every day for lunch. It's praised for its variety and value for money.
  • Brochette

    - salmon, Fries & Profiteroles - This combination of dishes comes highly recommended. It's part of a larger selection that also includes three meats, cheese platter, and salads.
  • - another hearty option with a variety of flavors to savor. It's served with salads, sauces, and bread.
  • 16€50 Formula

    - this special offer is noted for its good value and pleasant service.

Plats et boissons à Restaurant le Débarcadère