Plats à Restaurant de l'Hôtel du Guesclin Mont-Saint-Michel
The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
- the omelette from Mont St Michel was recommended by a reviewer who enjoyed the setting of the restaurant. Another review mentioned an omelette shuffle that was part of a satisfying meal.
Normandy Salad
- this was part of a meal that was praised for its generous portions and delicious food.
Salmon with Potatoes and Meatballs
- a reviewer simply stated they ate this dish, but it was included in a positive review.
- one reviewer praised the perfectly cooked striploin served with potatoes, vegetables and mashed carrots.
Plats et boissons à Restaurant de l'Hôtel du Guesclin Mont-Saint-Michel