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Plats à Locanda Del Sasso Ristorante - b&b - rent eMTB

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally rated as good or fair. While some visitors found the restaurant a bit difficult to reach, they were impressed with the quality of the food and considered it well worth the effort.
  • Pumpkin Soup with Local Yogurt and Amaretti Biscuits

    - this soup is a delicious starter that's been highly recommended by several visitors. It's a unique blend of flavors that you won't find at many other restaurants.
  • Polenta with Wild Boar

    - a great second course option, the wild boar meat is well cooked and not stringy at all. Paired with polenta, it makes for a hearty dish.
  • Local Cured Meats

    - these traditional dishes are a must-try for anyone looking to get a taste of authentic Italian cuisine.
  • Various Appetizers

    - the restaurant offers a variety of appetizers that are worth trying. They've been described as top-notch Italian cuisine.
  • Eggs for Breakfast

    - the eggs here have been described as the best breakfast ever. Be sure not to miss them!
  • Battuta di Manzo, Vitello Tonnato and Lingua con Salsina

    - these dishes have been highly praised by visitors. They're super tasty and worth trying.
  • Gnocco con Pesto di Rucola and Tagliatella al Sugo di Lepre

    - these are some other dishes that have been recommended by visitors. They're super tasty and worth trying.

Plats et boissons à Locanda Del Sasso Ristorante - b&b - rent eMTB