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Plats à Hôtel Restaurant Les Copains

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally considered good, with some reviewers considering it a bit overvalued. The daily menu at 17 euros is often highlighted as good value for money.
  • Pancake Cake

    - reviewers have praised this dish multiple times, mentioning that it melts in your mouth.
  • - this dessert seems to be a hit with its excellent taste.
  • Veal with Olives

    - this main dish is recommended by a user who found it delicious and well-prepared.
  • Panna Cotta Infused with Billom Pink Garlic and Shrimp

    - this unique dish is worth trying for its infusion of flavors.
  • Casserole of Deboned Frog Legs

    - this dish is suggested for those who enjoy more adventurous cuisine.
  • Daily Menu

    - priced at 17 euros, the daily menu includes an amuse-bouche, starter, main course, and dessert, all homemade and hearty.