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Plats à Hôtel Restaurant Les 13 Assiettes

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The visitors rate the price/quality ratio for this restaurant as average. There were some complaints about the portion sizes and the non-respect of the festive menu. However, there were also positive comments about the quality of the food and the service.
  • Salt-meadow lamb

    - this dish was well-cooked and enjoyed by many visitors.
  • Semi-cooked foie gras

    - this dish was good but could have been a bit more flavorful according to some guests.
  • Blancmange and tiramisu-style café charlotte

    - these desserts were well-presented but could have been tastier.
  • Gourmet meal

    - the quality of the gourmet meal was appreciated by the guests.
  • Menu "Tombelaine"

    - this menu was liked by the guests, though not exceptional.
  • Meat dish

    - the meat was praised for its quality, although some visitors found the portion size too small.
  • Steam-cooked merlu fillet with mashed potatoes

    - this dish replaced the duck in the festive menu and was not appreciated by the guests.