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Plats à Le carillon

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The visitors note that the price/quality ratio for this restaurant is not favorable due to the recent significant price increases. They argue that the high prices do not match the quality of the food served.
  • Plateau de trois viandes

    - a savory dish of three meats, perfectly cooked with delicious sauces.
  • Sublime meat with truffle sauce

    - a standout dish, the meat is enhanced by a rich truffle sauce.
  • - despite the high price, the pizzas are highly praised for their freshness and quality. The vegetarian pizza and the pizza with cooked ham and champions were specifically recommended.
  • - an excellent dessert option, noted for its freshness.
  • Whole Wolf

    - a quality seafood dish.
  • Angus Meat

    - a great choice for meat lovers, especially appreciated by children.
  • Ravioli with Truffle

    - despite the significant price increase, this dish received positive feedback.