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Plats à La petite Ferme Laon

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Most visitors find the price to be reasonable for the quality and quantity of the dishes served. However, some reviewers expressed dissatisfaction with the portion sizes and quality of certain dishes. Overall, the price/quality ratio is seen as good.
  • Roast Maroilles Meal with Supreme Poultry Charcuterie

    - this dish was highly recommended by a family who celebrated there. They found it hearty and satisfying.
  • - multiple reviews praised the burgers for their fresh taste, soft buns, and affordability. They were also described as beautifully presented.
  • - it was singled out as exceptional and homemade.
  • Gourmet Coffee

    - despite a slightly disappointing taste, the presentation of the coffee was praised.
  • Various Dishes

    - many reviewers have complimented the general quality and presentation of the dishes served at the restaurant.