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Plats à La Terrasse Des Cigales

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The restaurant offers good value for money with the 39€ menu (starter, main course, dessert) being particularly praised for its unbeatable value. The cuisine is refined, based on local and fresh products, and the chef is accommodating to dietary restrictions. The price/quality ratio is rated as excellent.
  • **Packaged Trotters**

    - highly praised by guests for its excellent taste.
  • - a standout dish that even seaside restaurants would envy.
  • **Confit Lamb Shoulder**

    - a popular choice, cooked for 12 hours with thyme for a succulent flavor.
  • **Crème Caramel with Roasted Figs**

    - a delightful dessert that leaves no room for improvement.
  • **Pistou Soup**

    - a delicious Mediterranean dish that's well-cooked and flavorful.
  • **Côte de Carré de Cochon**

    - a hearty dish, loved by guests.
  • **Cabbillaud aid Légume**

    - although replaced with lotte, it still received positive reviews.
  • **Banon Rôti**

    - a local favorite and a must-try.

Plats et boissons à La Terrasse Des Cigales

Particularités du restaurant

déjeuner service exceptionnel dîner


parfait tiramisu gâteau aux fruits gâteaux mousse glace panna cotta


vin café liqueur cordial vin rosé