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Plats à Hôtel Restaurant de la Pointe du Cap Coz

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors consider the price/quality ratio for this restaurant to be reasonable, given the high quality of the food and service. However, there was a minor complaint about the price of wines.
  • - an incredible dish that stands out for its quality and taste.
  • - highly appreciated by visitors for its quality.
  • Gastronomic dishes

    - fresh products presented as works of art, with service at the same level as the cuisine.
  • Red wine

    - goes perfectly with foie gras, recommended by the restaurant's staff.
  • Dinner in the gourmet restaurant

    - a treat not to be missed according to reviews.
  • Quality products

    - the chef's love for cooking is reflected in each preparation.
  • St Jacques with truffle butter and cauliflower

    - a beautiful culinary discovery, exceptional according to a user.
  • Dishes in general

    - part of the good, according to one review.

Plats et boissons à Hôtel Restaurant de la Pointe du Cap Coz

Particularités du restaurant

service exceptionnel carte des vins belle vue personnel amical petit déjeuner déjeuner endroit idéal


parfait glace sorbet beignets beignets gâteaux gâteau aux fruits mousse dessert à la mangue


vin café champagne


dukkah la volaille filet américain foie gras youtiao sardine misir roti fondue risotto flétan amuse-bouche soupe carpaccio filet mignon completo steaks viande poisson pot-au-feu salades fruits de mer roquefort escalope filet de sole escalopes panées fromage puto canard crabes bouillie truffe