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Plats à La Courtine

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors rate the price/quality ratio for this restaurant as excellent. They appreciate the good value for money, especially the lunchtime menu which includes wine. Despite the cold welcome from the boss, the quality of the food and the warm setting make it a place worth returning to.
  • Flan de Saumon

    - this dish has been highly praised for its super tasty flavor. A must-try for seafood lovers.
  • Gratin de Poisson

    - another seafood dish that has received positive reviews. It comes with a glass of nice wine, adding to the overall dining experience.
  • Lunchtime Menu

    - the restaurant offers an excellent lunchtime menu which includes a large choice of delicious and sought-after dishes. Wine is also included, making it a great value for money.
  • Market Cuisine

    - the restaurant offers a variety of dishes made from fresh and quality products. It's worth trying for those who appreciate traditional and quality cuisine.
  • Homemade Cuisine

    - the restaurant is known for its friendly service and homemade cuisine. The price is very reasonable, making it a perfect choice for those on a budget.

Plats et boissons à La Courtine


parfait pâtisserie sorbet flan glace crumble mille feuilles crème brulée gâteau aux fruits gâteaux poires pochées biscuits mousse tiramisu


vin vin de maison liqueur cordial cidre café chocolat vin blanc apéritif de vin


dukkah viande completo poisson la volaille birnen, Bohnen Und Speck fruits de mer canard sandwichs branzino poisson braisé soupe porc lotte amuse-bouche steaks filet américain filet mignon foie gras rillettes pâté agneau misir dinde tartines tartare riz mote champignons quiche jarrets d'agneau kachamak salades chorizo terrine youtiao poulet fromage poisson blanc gratin saucisses tartes morue roti