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Plats à La Chavanne

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is generally considered very good, with several reviewers noting the good value of the menu and the excellent quality-price ratio. However, one customer complained about the expensive coffee and impolite staff.
  • Savoyard Mushroom Fondue

    - this fondue is a hit amongst visitors, with many praising it as delicious and a must-try for a real mountain experience.
  • Pistachio Pecan Brownie

    - a special mention was made for this homemade dessert, indicating it's worth trying.
  • Savoyard Escalope

    - another Savoyard specialty that has been recommended by customers for its delicious taste.
  • - this classic Swiss dish was noted as wonderful by one of the guests.
  • - the salads at this restaurant were described as super good.
  • Cappuccino and Croissant

    - a nice option for a light breakfast or snack outside.
  • Local Beers

    - visitors enjoyed having a beer in the sun, suggesting they have a good selection of beers.
  • Other Desserts

    - while one review mentioned that the desserts weren't up to par, another review praised the desserts as worth trying.