Main Crepes
Each Additional Ingredient1.00
Add Pure Maple Sirup1.25
2 Ingredients5.75
Except Roastbeef Bacon Swiss Cheese and Turkey1.50
Add a Side Salad1.50
Need a Little in Piration Here Are Some Suggestions
Egg Bacon and Mozzarella7.75
Ham Egg Mozzarella and Mushrooms7.75
Ham Asparagus and Swiss Cheese7.25
Roast Beef Onion Mushrooms and Swiss Cheese8.75
Dessert Crepes
Fresh strawberries4.75
chestnut Filling4.75
Apple Filling4.50
Cherry Filling4.50
strawberry Filling4.50
Raspberry Filling4.50
Blueberry Filling4.50
Butter and Sugar4.50
Chocolate 207 avis4.50
Pure Maple Sirup4.50
Apple and swiss cheese5.75
Sandwiches & Sides
Soup 51 avis3.25Soup of the day
Chef's Salad 6 avis6.75
Chef's Salad with Tuna or with Salmon9.00
Bagel and Jam3.50
Ham Sandwich 5 avis5.50
Served with our homemade dressing
Chef's Salad with Ham8.00
Served on white bread wheat bread or on a sesame bagel
Bagel and Cream Cheese5.50
Turkey Sandwich5.50
Cafes Chocolats & Petites Douceurs: Petites Douceurs
Banana Split 5 avis6.50
Parfait de fruits frais4.75
Biscuit aux brisures de chocolat2.95
Coupe De Crème Glacée3.25
Sorbet Du Jour4.25
Cane aux dattes2.95
Cafes Chocolats & Petites Douceurs: Cafes Et Chocolats
Cafe filtre1.95
Cappuccino 13 avis3.50
Cafe au lait3.25 - 3.95
Chocolat chaud Grand-Mere2.95 - 3.95Chocolat chaud couronne de crème fouettée
Cafe maison3.95Cafe avec hocdat chaud et crème glacee
Espresso 17 avis , court ou allonge2.95
Espresso décafeiné3.25
Chocolat chaud2.25 - 3.75
Moka, Viennois, LlégeoIs3.95
Jus & Autres Breuvages
Jus Naturels Fraiehement Presses
Creez Le Melange Parfait3.25Pomme carotte celeri pamplemousse onrange
Jus & Autres Breuvages: Autres Breuvages
Thó, infusion1.95
Jus and liqueur1.95
Lait frappe espresso4.75
Eau en bouteille1.95
Lait frappé3.75
Boissons Alcoolisees: Vins Et Cidre
Vin rouge7.50 - 525.00
Cidre 33 avis5.25 - 20.95
Vn blanc5.25 - 20.95
Boissons Alcoolisees: Bieres en Fut
Griffon Extra Blonde3.95 - 5.95
Boreale Blanche au ble3.95 - 5.95
Gnffon Rousse3.95 - 5.95
Mc Auslan Cream Ale4.25 - 6.50
Boissons Alcoolisees: Cafes Alcoolises
Cafe Brandy6.50
Cafe Bresilien6.95
Cafe Baileys6.50