Balthazar Menu

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Plats à Balthazar

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally viewed as good, though one user mentioned that the drinks were on the verge of being too expensive.
  • - multiple reviews mention the excellent quality of the tapas, making it a must-try.
  • Seasonal Suggestions

    - these dishes are praised for their deliciousness, indicating that the chef is skilled at utilizing seasonal ingredients.
  • Cocktail

    - highly recommended by one user, suggesting that the restaurant has a good selection of mixed drinks.
  • - one user particularly enjoyed this dish, calling it "excellent."
  • - the burger received mixed reviews, with one user finding it a bit dry, but another praising it as "perfect." It seems to be a safe choice.
  • Chicken in Cornflakes

    - this unusual tapa was singled out for praise and could be worth trying for adventurous eaters.
  • - the cooking of the steak was complimented, suggesting it's a reliable choice for meat lovers.
  • White Beer

    - one user gave it a special mention, indicating that the restaurant has a good beer selection.
  • Non-alcoholic Cocktails

    - perfectly paired with tapas according to one user.